
Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Wayang Pancasila

This wayang belongs to the fictitious kinds, because it was composed after Indonesia became independent, and was based on the five "silas" (principles) of the Pancasila. The composer was Empu Hadi/Harsono Adisuseno, an oficial of the Departement of Information of the Republic Indonesia in 1947. The heroes, namely the Pandawa brothers, among others, Werkudara and Janaka are painted red and white and blue. Most of the stories contain a satire, especially towards the Ducth nation. Queen Wilhelmina is illustrated as Batari Durga (the queen of darkness), general Spoor as Patih (Grandvizier) Prahasta, who was famous for his greed and egoism, carrying a gun.


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