
Saturday 22 January 2011

Mount Sundoro (3,136 m) and Mount Sumbing (3,371 m), Central Java, Indonesia -- the twins mountain

The shape of Mount Sundoro and Mount Sumbing are identical, conical in shape and having active craters. It shows that these two mountains originated from th same source and period. They are separated by a main road connecting Wonosobo and Magelang.

Thursday 20 January 2011

Mount Lawu (3,265 m), Central n East Java, Indonesia - has the highest main road in Java Island

It is quite easy to climb Mount Lawu as it is in the close vicinity to the city, therefore many mountaineers climb this mountain. Start from Surabaya, East Java, we can travel by bus to Madiun, and continue to Cemoro Sewu through Sarangan. In case we start from Surakarta, Central Java, we can go directly to Tawangmangu and continue to Cemoro Sewu. Cemoro Sewu-Sarangan valley is a tourist spot, as it has fascinating scenery. The valley shape is like a saddle. It is the highest main  road in Java Island, at about 1,900 m high.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Mount Merbabu (3,142 m) Central Java, Indonesia -- the sleeping mountain

The shape of Mount Merbabu and Mount Lawu are identical. Both have no active craters as they were part of old volcanic mountains. The peaks of these two mountains formed plateau caused by erosion and nearly lost its natural forest.

Sunday 16 January 2011

The Mahabarata and Ramayana Epics -- Epics that are originated from India

The Mahabarata

The Mahabarata as well as the Ramayana stories, originated from India, and both are clearly represented in the Indonesian Budhist as well as Hindu temples.
The Mahabarata is an epic on the Barata Dynasty, narrates the adventures of a very high philosophical value and can be a guidance as well as an example, for leading figures. For instance:
The Pancawa brothers illustrate knights with noble character and worth to become an example for people in their life.

Friday 14 January 2011

Wayang Wong ( Sendratari Ramayana -- kind of Ramayana Ballet )

It was said that the beginning of the story of the creation of the  “wayang wong”, was at the time of  the struggle of Raden Mas Said, namely the one that was known as Mangunegoro I. In between his struggles to fight the tyrants, it was told, that the created scenes/acts in the form of dances, telling the stories of the Ramayana to entertain/cheer up his soldiers.

Monday 10 January 2011

Wayang Golek Menak ( Wayang Cepak / Wayang Sunda )

This wayang golek appear as wayang made of wood and has the shape of puppet. Each puppet’s role is handled by the dalang, from behind tha stage. The dalang is able to make their look as if they were alive. This wayang is telling stories, originating form the Islam, i.e. they are Arab oriented, of which the influende also reaches Turkistan etc. the stories  tell about the heroic adventures of an uncle of the Propet Muhammad, whose name was Amir Ambyah. This Stories have a very significant influence in Malaysia and are known as the “stories  af Amir Ambyah”. From here was it, that Yasadipuro, during the reign of Pakubuwono IV, revised the above-mentioned stories. Yasadipuro I, a sholar/philologist from the court of Surakarta was not merely revising the stories, but also made the name of the roles Javanese in these “Wayang Golek Menak” stories, for instance: AMIR AMBYAH BECAME JAYENG RONO and  JENGIS KHAN BECAME RAJA JENGGI.
So that said stories could easily be absorbed and accepte by the Javanese people, also because this was done in very beautiful poetic compotition. As for the stories of Amir Ambyah themselves, they had succeeded in covering the north coast of Jave, to be exact, Kudus. In this place the “Wayang Golek” hac been successfully developed by the Sunan of Kudus, then after the fall of Kingdom of Demak, it moved to the Kingdom of Demak, it moved to the Kingdom of Pajang and later turther to the Kingdom of Mataram, where it was told by said Jasadipuro I. But it reality, the performance of the “Wayang Golek Menak” had not always been limited to the above mentioned stories only.
The influence along the North coast of Jave, further moved to the West, namely to Cirebon and west Jave. In Cirebon this “Wayang Golek” called “Wayang Cepak” and is telling many kinds of stories such as the Ramayana, Mahabarata sories while in West Jave, it became the “WAyang Sunda”. The difference from wayang cepak is that wayang sunda only goes about Mahabarat and Ramayana stories.
In the course of its evolution tha Wayang Golek in 1941 produced the creation of a dance, the “tari Golek” (The Puppet dance), which was disclosed int the idea and conception of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX. Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX, a King and Indonesian Nationalist figure, had succeeded in creating a work of art constituting the “Bekso Tari Golek Menak” (Puppet Dance of the Aristoctrats), namely an abstractions of the movemen of the “Wayang Golek Menak”, imitating the movement of said wayang. The basic idea was inspired by a “Wayang Golek Menak” performance played by a dalang from Kedu, by the name of Ki Widiprayitno.

Friday 7 January 2011

Wayang Kulit Purwo ( The Leather Puppets Shadow Play )

Observe a child playing in the rays of lamp. He puts his hand together to cat on the ground the shadows of a snake, a dog, etc. In fact this shadow play dates very far back in time, because its existence has already been emerging sinc people has been aware of the shadows of objects casting by light. From something that is in nature a play, the wayang shadowplay changed function into one of a religious nature during the period between 1500 B.C. until 400 A.D.
Some expert are of the opinion that the word “wayang” originates from the word “baying” (shadow). The hand performance means, were later changed with thin leather objects, conveying myths and folkslores. It has been evidenced that this kind of “wayang” had already been known since old time in Nusatenggara, as well as in all outlying regions of this Archipelago. And with the coming of the Hindus to Indonesia, came also the Hindu legends such as the classical epics of Mahabarata, Arjuna Wiwaha and Ramayan.
Among the various kinds of “wayang” existing in Indonesia, the “Wayang Kulit Purwo” is the famous and most widely popular. This kind of “wayang” had already emerged in about 875/903 A.D. and was already popular at the time of the reign of King Airlangga (1019-2043), as mentioned in the “Kakawin Arjuna Wiwaha” the work of Mpu Kanwa. This kind of wayang had already been favorit for more than a thousand years and known as the Netherlands, Germany, England, France, Japan, etc.
Although the source of stories is Hindu in the Mahabarata and Ramayana epics, the “Wayang Purwo” does not originate from India because the basic terms which indicate the technical aspects of the performance do not stem from the Sancrit. The term “purwo” means “first” or “ancient”, but it may also derives from the word “parwa”, which means “chapters or performance”, or “parwa”. Based on these two meanings, it can be formulated that the “wayang purwo” is a kind of wayang, which has already been existing since old times, and performing kinds of stories divided into chapters.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Wayang Kidang Kencana (Kidang Kencana = Golden deer)

WAyang Kidang Kencana has a smaller form and size in comparison with the normal wayang purwo. Because of its small size, the wayang kidang kencana is usually played by a woman or a child "dalang" (leading artist). The source of the stories is taken from the Mahabarata and Ramayana epics.
This "wayang kidang kencana" was born in 1556 A.D., based on the era "Salira Dwija DAdi RAja", which indicates the year of 1478 Caka; and it was created by "Sinuwun Tunggaling Giri" (the King whose kingdom is not clear as to the location there-of).
The perfection of the form and jewelry (accessories) was conducted by Sunan Giri together with Prince Trunggono. And the important improvement was that all clothes which in reality should have been made of gold, were gold leaf painted. That's why they were called "wayang kidang kencana".

Mount Raung (3,332 m) East Java, Indonesia -- a unique and big mountain in Java Island

Mount Raung is a unique and big mountain in Java Island. Its uniqueness is found in its kaldera whose depth is 500 , which is surrounded by many small peaks which give us enchanting scenery.

The easiest way to reach mount Raung is from Bondowoso. From Bondowoso we can take a mini bus to Sumber Wringin through Sukasari village. Start the trekking from Sumber Wringin through pine forest and coffe to 'Pondok Motor' (climber post) in which we can meet the key keeper named Mr. Serani (he death). We can take a rest there to prepare ourself for nine hours climbing to the peak of Mt. Raung.
Climbing to the peak, we will pass through coffe plantation, pine and Casuarina trees, before reaching the camping ground. For about 1 hour we have to go on sedge and then another 1 hour on sandy and stony path to the peak of Mt. Raung. It will take 7 hours to return to Sumber Wringin village. Raung is 3,332 m high above sea level where strong wind often blows. There is another higher peak, but there is still no way to reach it, as it is a dense forest.

 As there is no water on the way to Mt. Raung, we'd better have sufficient water prepared from sumber Wringin or Sumber Lekan. There is no special permission required to climb Mt. Raung, we just need to inform the village officer in Sumber Wringin.