
Wednesday 29 December 2010


The creator is Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Hadipati Aryo Mangkubumi (in short Prince Mangkubumi), the son of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono VI (1855-1877).
The history of the formation of  Langendriyan, originated from activities in the "Puasa" (fasting) mont, because during the fasting mont all sound of gamelan (javanese music instruments) were stopped. So as a substitute, history readings were conducted in singing, in which the performers were given cloths for dancing and makin dialogues in a squatting position, while sitting opposite each other in centre of the court auditorium. The idea came from KRT (Regent) Purwodiningrat.
In this way said Langendrio had become an attractive performance and the story disclosed, is drawn from the Damarwulan sript (the consort of queen of Majapahit). However, it was a pity, that after KGPAA (Prince) Mangkubumi passed away, it was continued by his son KRT (Regent) Wiroguno, only until 1913.

Wayang Klitik or Kerucil

The name wayang kilik or kerucil is based on the puppets. "Ngalitik" means growing thin, and "klitikan" means cheapjacks, which may even mean the sound of clattering wooden objects. "Kerucil" means few, small or thin. In the evolution, there is difference between wayang klitik and wayang kerucil. The first performs the story of Damar Wulan, whereas the latter performs the story of the Mahabaratta (the big war).
The wayang klitik/kerucil was initially created by King Brawijaya V in 1315 A.D., Then it was improved by Sinuhun Sunan Bonar abaut 1648 A. D. In 1910, namely during the time of Sri Sultan Susuhunan Paku Buwono X, this "wayang" was also called the "wayang golek" and many times underwent improvement.

Wayang Gedog

If traced back, the term "gedog" originates from the word "gedeg" or "kuda" or "kedok". "Gedeg" means walls made of bamboo, "kuda" means horse, because the story goes about heroism, "kedok" means mask. Bit in fact, the role of the "wayang gedog" is not solely based on the speciality of the performance  means, or the puppets, but it is related to the nature or the role of the plays performed. Ther is still a difference of opinion concerning the question of when this "wayang gedog" was born. Some say that it was created by Taden Jaka Tingkir (Sultan Hadiwijaya) in 1583/1584 A.D., by others presume that it had alrady been performed since the Majapahit era. The most famous "wayang gedog" plays are the love adventures of Raden Panji and Dewi Sekartaji of the Kingdom of Jenggala.

Tuesday 28 December 2010

Wayang Perjuangan

Besides the Wayang Kancil, R.M. Sojid also created the "Wayang Perjuangan". This "wayang" was created in 1943, with the background of the history of the struggle of the Indonesian Nation against the tyrants from West (the Dutch and English) and from the East (Japan). Because the creator himself was a "wayang purwo" puppeter the accompanying music of the "wayang perjoangan" has been created in the frame work of arousing the spirit of patriotism againts the tyrants, who shall be abolished from the world, especially from this Archipelago.

Wayang Suluh

The word "suluh" means torch, lamp or illumination fire. This wayang is called "wayang suluh" in accordance with its function as information media by the Goverment. From the aspect of its function, this "wayang suluh" resembles the "wayang Wahana" and the "wayang Perjuangan" or the "Wayang Sandiwara".
The "Wayang Suluh" is created by Soekewi from Madiun, in aboout 1946-1947. This kind of leather puppet play illustrates prominent figures of the Indonesian revolution were playing an important role in the national policy, still active in the gover, or those already retired. The mission in the stories of this "wayang suluh" is especially to arise the spirit of nationalism.

Wayang Jawa (Javanese Wayang)

Around 1825-1830 the enormously violent Diponegoro War took place. This war had insiperd the birth of the "Wayang Jawa". In its evolution, the source of the stories of the "Wayang Jawa" expanded covering the entires history of the earth of Jave, i.e. the history of Demak, Pajang, Mataram up to Kartasura.
The "Wayang Jawa" was created by R.M. Ng. Dutodiprodjo, a "Mantri Penewu Gandek" (a court vassal) in the palace of Surakarta, in + 1937-1940. The wayang puppets are all wearinf cloths of "lurik" (special Javanese woven cloth). What is most unique is, that in the performance of this wayang a screen may be, or not be used. The clothes such as worn by the puppets make a specific "Javanese" Impression.

Wayang Adam Marifat

The Tasauf (mysticism) is known as a special Islam teaching in mystical dimension. The teaching in mysticism has already been disseminated for hundreds of years, in the west as in the east. Al Haj was a prominent legendary figure in the world of Tasauf. In Indonesia, Syeh Siti Jenar was considered as his spiritual follower, who had later on the same fate as his teacher, sentenced death, because he was considered as having deviated the teachings of the Islam. Sinspired by this Tasauf teacings, Seijaya Siswojo from Magelang made the "Wayang Adam Marifat" in 1940. This wayang uses the major part of the "wayang kulit purwo" i.e. carryng the story of Bima Racut.

Wayang Sejati

As we know, throught the Archipelago are sprad various religional wayang puppets play, using the Javanese, Sundanese, Madurese, Balinese languages, etc. The above reality has stimulated Mr. Wisnu Wardono to look for a meeting pint, in order that the wayang performance can stimultaneously be enjoyed by the entire audience, originating from whichever region of Indonesia. And so, the "wayang sejati" was born in + 1972 in the Indonesian languages as medium language.

Wayang Wahyu

This wayang, composed by Rusradi of Kemlayan, Solo in 1957, is menat as propaganda in the dissemination of the Cristian religion.
The birth of this wayang was inspired by the success of the dissemination of the Islam religion's teachings in Nusatenggara through the wayang media by the "Walisongo" (nine prominent figures of the Islam), especially Sunan Kalijaga. The succes is evidenced by the number of the Indonesan people of Which the majority are Moslems.
The wayang wahyu, is telling about the origin of the Cristian religion, which was started with the birth of the Bearer, namely Jesus Crist ( Isa Al Masih), The stories are taken from the Holy Bible.

Wayang Pancasila

This wayang belongs to the fictitious kinds, because it was composed after Indonesia became independent, and was based on the five "silas" (principles) of the Pancasila. The composer was Empu Hadi/Harsono Adisuseno, an oficial of the Departement of Information of the Republic Indonesia in 1947. The heroes, namely the Pandawa brothers, among others, Werkudara and Janaka are painted red and white and blue. Most of the stories contain a satire, especially towards the Ducth nation. Queen Wilhelmina is illustrated as Batari Durga (the queen of darkness), general Spoor as Patih (Grandvizier) Prahasta, who was famous for his greed and egoism, carrying a gun.

Monday 27 December 2010

Wayang Madya

Similiar to the "Wayang Purwo", the wayang Madya is taking scenes from ancient times, only they are limited from the time of Prabu (King) Gandrayana of the Astina Kingdom until the time of Prabu Lembu Subrata of Maya Pura namely the stories after King Parikesit (after the Mahabarata/the Great war).
The wayang madya is created by K.G. Mangkunegara IV in Solo in 1880 A.D., extracted from the wayang purwo stories. Ind this kind of wayang kulit, the Kings are not wearing "Prabu" (beams or nimbus" namely an ornament worn on the back of the king, as a symbol of  the dignity of the position of the King. Most of the puppets of this wayang madya carry a "keris" or a sword. The way the king wears his "kain" (sarong) is rather lengthwise, and is called "cara banyakan" (like a swan).

Sunday 19 December 2010

Wayang Kancil

The birth of the chevrotain stories is based on folklores, originating from Mayalan stories, constituting fables (fauna stories). They are the stories about the jocular adventures of the chevrotain. This wayang is made of leather chiseled and painted in the form of various animals and Pak Tani (the farmer), with the size of the wayang kerucil (small). The “wayang kancil” was born from the campong of Adiwijaya, Surakarta, namely R. M. Sojid, in about 1925 A. D. The mission of the “wayang kancil” is the teaching of natural ability or morals, concerning the characteristics of knight: valiant, honest, persevering, etc.

Friday 17 December 2010

Langen Mandra Wanara

The Langen Mandra Wanara is a Javanese opera composed by a "patih" (kind of granvizier) of the Yogyakarta Court, namely Patih Danureja Wana Catur.
In the presentation of the Langen Mandra Wanara performance, the peculiarity is in the dancers, who always dance in a squatting position while singing (making lyrical dialogues). The stories disclosed are from the Ramayana.

Wayang Wahana

This "wayang" was born as a creation of Sutarto Harjo Wahana at the Mangku Negaran Court in Surakarta about 1920. The name "Wahana" was not merely based on the name of the creator there-of, but more on the function as a means/media of the Goverment to carry out the development. The source of the story is taken from actual events of the "wayang" puppets and clothes there-of adjusted to the fungtion of present time, trouser, pyjamas adn shirts, and uniforms for a "lurah" (village head), a camat (district head), a captain, etc.

Wayang Dupara

The word "Dupara" derives from "Andupara", which means peculiar. This peculiarity appears in the form of wayang which is chiseled and decorated in creation, different form other leather puppets. This wayang, created by R.M Danuatmojo, a nobleman from Solo, is estimated to be born in 1830. The source of the story is extracted from the history of the kingdom of Demak untill the kingdom of Surakarta (the "babad" / history of Demak, Panjang, Mataram until Kartasura).

Wayang Kuluk

The wayang which the stories have a back ground of the Kraton Yogyakarta hirstory (the Yogyakarta / Mataram Court) is usually called the "Wayang Kuluk". This kind of wayang was created by Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono V of Yogyakarta around 1830. The stories concern the Kingdom of Demak until the Yogyakarta / Mataram Kingdom.

Wayang Batu ( Stone Puppets)

If we observe the relief carved in the stone on the temples in Indonesia, the Hindu as wll as the Budha temples, we will arrive at the reality of them carry "wayang" stories. The various stories are, among others, the "Arjuna Wiwaha, the Ramayana, Bima suci" etc. The stone puppets or temple puppets are staged permantly and are therefore static in nature. They originate from stories of the Ramayana and Mahabarata cycles. As for the age of these temple puppet, naturally they are as old as the temple in Indonesia, covering the period from the ninth to the fifteenth century. We can enjoy this wayang batu performances at any time o the Lorojonggrang/Prambanan, the Sukuh, the Jago temles, etc.

Various Kinds of Wayang In Indonesia

1. Stone Puppets (Wayang Batu)

2. Leather Puppet Shadow Play (Wayang Kulit Purwo)

3. Golden Deer (Wayang Kidang Kencana)

4. Wayang Gedog

5. Wayang Klitik or Kerucil

6. Wayang Madya

7. Wayang Kuluk

8. Wayang Dupara

9. Wayang Wahana

10. Wayang Kancil

11. Wayang Perjuangan

12. Wayang Adam Marifat

13. Wayang Jawa

14. Wayang Suluh

15. Wayang Pancasila

16. Wayang Wahyu

17. Wayang Sejati

18. Wayang Golek Menak

19. Wayang Wong

20. Langen Mandra Wanara

21. Langendriyan

Monday 13 December 2010

WAYANG - the ancient Indonesian cultures

"Wayang" is one of the ancient Indonesian cultures which hides etical teachings and constitutes a medium of communication capable of acting as an agent adjusting social life to the modern world of Indonesia. There are various kinds of wayangs in Indonesia witha its own uniquenees, but the most popular of all is the "Wayang Purwo".
Most of the wayang stories are drawn from the ancient Indian epics such as "Ramayana and Mahabarata", which hide a very high philosophical value, and make significant contribution to human life i.e.: The Pandawa brothers illustrate knights whit noble character, whereas Astina party, illustrate the deceitful and greedy party, from which people can learn what is good and what is bad in their life.
The wayang performance is animated by the accopaniment of the gamelan (javanese musical instrument), played by the niyagas (musicians) and the women singers pesinden. The dalan (leading artist) playes and important role in the entire performance. He speaks for all the puppets he uses, and must be able to change his voice to play the character of the puppets there-of, to make them as if they were alive.
The Wayang Purwo has been known world-wide for long time, even collections of the wayang puppets are found in western Museums.
At present there are foreign scholars and artist interested in wayang, who come to Indonesia to study in Jawa, not onlu the Wayang Kulit but also other kinds of wayangs and classical Javanese dances.

Saturday 11 December 2010

Mount Slamet (3,481 m) Central Java, Indonesia -- the second highest mountain in Java

Mount Slamet is the second highest mountain in Java. There are three routes leading to the mountain; one from west side of the mountain, one from Batu Raden and another form Bambangan, out of which is the shortest route to the mountain.
To go to Bambangan, we should travel from Purwokerto to Purbalingga and from Purbalingga to Bobotsari. From Bobotsari we can travel troufh villages surrounded by many trees to Penjangan village by truck. This is the last village that allows cars and vehicles to pass trough. It takes about another 1 hour trekking to Bambangan from Penjangan Villages. There is an information Center, where mountaineers can get information. We may take arrest in this place too. We can hire a guide in Bambangan.
If we will put up a tent on way, we should obtain the permission from the Forest Authority (PERHUTANI) of Serang (Bambangan). If we go up the hill a bit further, we will find a new large hut, but no water or electricity is available. We may take a rest here.
If we walk rightward, we will come across vegetable garden, pine woods and beautiful tropical forest on the uphill. Before reaching Samalantu (2,900 m high), we will find bench for rest ang old dilapidated hut, where mountaineers usually take a rest or overnight stay.
Climbing for about an hour, we will reach Sampiyan Jampang that is border of the forest where we can take a look at the sunrice. To reach the peak, we shall climb trough strenuous route full of lava lumps for about 1 hour.
From the peak, we can enjoy exotic panorama towards a broad lava plain and active crater as well. A huge explosion happened in this crater on July 13, 1988.

 It will spend 6 hours to climb from Bambangan to Salamantu, and another 2 the peak. From the peak back to Salamantu only takes about 4 hours.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Mount Argopuro (3,088 m) East Java, Indonesia -- there are many historic places here ( ancient kingdom, the Ducth and Japanese )

Summit of Mount  Argopuro has the height of 3.088 m above sea level. There are two routes to go to Mount  Argopuro, from Baderan-Besuki and from Bremi village in Probolinggo. But the fast way is form Bremi village.

Sunday 10 October 2010

BOROBUDUR TEMPLE - The Art and Mystery of The Monument of Peace

Borobudur is Buddhist temple. It is the greatest Buddhist work of art existing in the world.

       1. The Borobudur Temple and its Surroundings
       2. Borobudur at Glance
       3. The Borobudur Tourist Park