
Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Wayang Klitik or Kerucil

The name wayang kilik or kerucil is based on the puppets. "Ngalitik" means growing thin, and "klitikan" means cheapjacks, which may even mean the sound of clattering wooden objects. "Kerucil" means few, small or thin. In the evolution, there is difference between wayang klitik and wayang kerucil. The first performs the story of Damar Wulan, whereas the latter performs the story of the Mahabaratta (the big war).
The wayang klitik/kerucil was initially created by King Brawijaya V in 1315 A.D., Then it was improved by Sinuhun Sunan Bonar abaut 1648 A. D. In 1910, namely during the time of Sri Sultan Susuhunan Paku Buwono X, this "wayang" was also called the "wayang golek" and many times underwent improvement.


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