
Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Wayang Adam Marifat

The Tasauf (mysticism) is known as a special Islam teaching in mystical dimension. The teaching in mysticism has already been disseminated for hundreds of years, in the west as in the east. Al Haj was a prominent legendary figure in the world of Tasauf. In Indonesia, Syeh Siti Jenar was considered as his spiritual follower, who had later on the same fate as his teacher, sentenced death, because he was considered as having deviated the teachings of the Islam. Sinspired by this Tasauf teacings, Seijaya Siswojo from Magelang made the "Wayang Adam Marifat" in 1940. This wayang uses the major part of the "wayang kulit purwo" i.e. carryng the story of Bima Racut.


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