
Sunday 16 January 2011

The Mahabarata and Ramayana Epics -- Epics that are originated from India

The Mahabarata

The Mahabarata as well as the Ramayana stories, originated from India, and both are clearly represented in the Indonesian Budhist as well as Hindu temples.
The Mahabarata is an epic on the Barata Dynasty, narrates the adventures of a very high philosophical value and can be a guidance as well as an example, for leading figures. For instance:
The Pancawa brothers illustrate knights with noble character and worth to become an example for people in their life.
Whereas the Astina party was the party which was alway being mocked at or which conducted deceit and was greedy and from which people can learn what is good and what is bad in their life.And there are still many more questions which are symbolically illustrated by the performers in accordance with each character. More: The Mahabarata Story.

Does TRAVELLING AROUND THE WORLD provide video about The Mahabarata and Ramayana Epics -- Epics that are originated from India below?

The Ramayana

This is an epic concerning the saga of heroism of the leading figure of Rama, starting from the kidnapping of Sinta, his wife, untill the fall of the Kingdome of Alengka (the murdering of King Dasamuka).
This story illustrates the role of evil, namely that of Rahwana/Dasamuka (ten-faced Giant) and the role of the good played by Rama and Sinta. More: The Ramayana story.


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